Thursday, September 29, 2011


This is one of my favorite ways to save money while still having lots of fun. It also seems a little backwards- buying something in order to save money. But in all honestly, everyone loves spending money, and everyone loves saving money. So I get super excited when I find options that allow me to do both: purchase something that saves money in the long run.

And here is my latest discovery: Roller blades!
You get the best of several worlds. It’s exercise, it gets you places quicker than walking, when done with friends it creates unforgettable fun, and it saves gas money if you replace your usual mode of transportation with it.

1.     It’s exercise- Roller blading, if done with intensity, can be an excellent workout for your body. A 30-minute roller blading workout can be compared to doing about 30 minutes on a stair climber at the gym.
2.     It gets you places quicker than walking- I live about a mile from campus. I think I deserve an award for world’s slowest walker, so it takes me a while to get to school in the morning, if I walk. Because of this, I am usually about 5 minutes late to my first class of each day. If I rollerblade, it is tremendously faster, but it doesn’t get me sweaty like running would. I can maintain a leisurely pace while still shortening my travel time.
3.     Unforgettable fun- some of my favorite college memories so far have been rollerblading around campus or around town with my friends. I have never had a boring roller blading experience.
4.     Lastly, our ultimate goal for this blog, it saves money. It costs me about $65 to fill up my gas tank. I drive back and forth from my house to campus several times a day, which I did not think would use up much gas, but I was wrong. The constant starting up of my car and stopping and going with stop signs have been draining my car of gas. I’ve averaged about $40 a week for gas money, when I feel like I haven’t been going anywhere! When I replace my trips to campus and back with rollerblading instead of driving my car, my gas tank lasts double, almost triple, as long.

Now lets get down to the nitty-gritty. How much do roller blades cost?
Well, as always, I checked my favorite place to purchase items:

Here’s what I found:


2 pairs for $20:



As you can see, you can purchase decent roller blades at a dirt-cheap price.
It might even be worth purchasing two pairs, so you can have a friend go with you at all times, whether or not they own a pair of blades.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm . . . can you really depend of roller blades for transportation? Maybe.

    Here are some things I noticed:
    • your hyphens, in a few places, should be em dashes and/or you should find another to introduce the text after your numbered items
    • you should break up the paragraph that starts with "You get the best of several worlds:" and list the items that follow in a break-out list
    • align your image to the left
    • watch sentence length in other places . . . remember to keep them short
