Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let me introduce myself....

Are you in college? Are you stretched for money? Are you and your friends constantly sitting around asking each other the question, “What should we do tonight?”, and almost every idea thrown out is shut down because its too expensive? My name is Rebecca. I’m a college student at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, and I’m in that boat.

I see lists all the time in magazines or on the internet that are titled something like: “Ways to save money in college”, but most of them are ideas that still leave you sitting bored and barely saving any money. One idea on a list I saw recently was “eat as much ramen noodles as you possible can”. I try to stay healthy and have vowed to never eat ramen noodles.  Plus, eating ramen noodles doesn’t create fun. My roommate, for instance, turns off the water in the shower while she is shaving to save on the water bill. Ummmm….no. I can’t do that. I want to save money but still want to live comfortably and happily.  I want money saving ideas that still let me live a normal/comfortable lifestyle while creating fun.

This year I am living in an off-campus house and have discovered lots of tricks that have increased the fun of my college experience, while still saving mega bucks. The purpose of this blog is to share some of those ideas with you. Hopefully, my ideas will cover many different aspects of life, including food, transportation, decoration, entertainment, games and hobbies. I will be very specific and include links to whatever I’m talking about, so this will be especially helpful to those of you who are in my general area. 

I want to take the BLAHH out of your money saving tactics. This is going to be a "non-blahh money saving blog". 

1 comment:

  1. Interesting concept. I'm eager to read more!
    Note the following:
    • it's (it is)
    • punctuation, like a period, goes inside quote marks
    • money-saving tactics
